Weston & The Gnawa
sometimes very well ...
Randy Weston African Rhythms Quintet and the Gnawa Master Musicians of Morocco performed joyfully at the World Financial Center Art & Events series.
First I saw the info on Flavorpill, then I heard some clips on Weston's website and that got me moving on downtown.
It was a rainy evening,
office workers streaming towards me on their way home, out of the Center.
Inside under the tall palms, a diverse audience was growing to fill up the seats
and the show began.
It was great !
Both Weston (80) and the Gnawa played well and lots of smiles all around, The Times gave it a nice review today too
Emotional , flowing , well rounded set , great players and a great setting
Weston has observed
"In African music , there aren't the categories of the past ,
the present and the future. Music is a timeless thing"
Hats off to Randy & the Gnawa for being so good and so chill