Ike Yard / DCC / Dom / Dys news
we are sending around CDR's of Oshima cassette , Masochistic , Mirai , Metallic blank and Shimmer,
play at Issue Project Room Oct. 26 , Vassar Nov.7
DCC did the EastVillageRadio cast with DJ Small Change , now prepares for the WFMU show with him in Oct.
The album is close to finished, a few moves left and we will have 11 strong new musicologies of DCC as it has grown
Dystopians recording first ep Oct. Cold Stars / Din / Club3 2008 first full set club show , first Album !
Dys planning another movie night @ Monkeytown TBA
Dominatrix in Studio Oct. new songs for iTunes : Nuits x / You never forget your first Dominatrix / City that never sleeps
Cover art by David Levinthal
Additional new projects developing week by week now
Harvestworks Benefit , Nowthenafter collection and more