The New new thing
The Ike Yard performance was tighter and by now after our fifth show this year the songs are there.
Tanker causes oil spill in SF Bay
One of the hawks that seem to return in fall was seen this week
perched atop the TV antennae across the way , surveying all below
Many Broadway shows darkened, only 8 open tonight
Kerik indicted
Sacred Defense Week
Dracula soup
Norway's Enslaved plays BB King
' 62 % of Radiohead album downloaders paid 0 ' (in a survey of 200 buyers)
New Dominatrix and Dystopians tracks are coming soon to iTunes
Nuits X / You Never Forgot Your First Dominatrix /Alt version of Citi That Never Sleeps = a new Dominatrix Ep
Dys 3 / Cold Stars / Din = First Dystopians Ep
These two new releases and also the rerelease of the Voodooists will be coming through my label
in assocation with Virtual Label LLC
should be an exciting winter ...
stay tuned