Considering that America had been saddled for the last 3 years with a President that wasn't really elected fairly ,
it's shocking (hopefully) to see article in Der Spiegel about the current voting machine systems.
This is an article/subject you probably will not see reported
on any 'unfair and biased' Fox Broadcasting Politi /Co...
'America's electronic voting machines are susceptable to manipulation' Jan.5 DS
'Walden O'Dell is entitled to call himself a 'pioneer'.
A businees leader from N Canton ,Ohio qualified when he collected $600,000 for George Dubya Bush's election campaign.
He accompanied this with a pledge to
'do anything possible to help Ohio deliver it's
electorial votes to the president in 2004.'
Well, it maybe used to be a (somewhat) free country
(if you had the lineage , $ and connections) and
he's free to try doing that -
but the problem is O'Dell is also Chief Executive of Diebold Inc.
Diebold, among other things , is the Company that makes 40,000 voting machines that are installed in 37 states
and are supposed to record and count votes Nov.2 ...
Diebold is ranked second in these machines ,
right behind market leader Elections Systems and Software - which became No.1 under Chuck Hagel before he , a Republican , was elected Senator from Nebraska.
Bottom line - there is no way to check if the machines have really recorded what is was supposed to have recorded.
And the voting info is not encoded ,
and so easy to play with if need be .
This is what we US citizens have to deal with in our world 2004.
Nightmarish to imagine 4 more years of the Bush.Cheney.
Rice.Rummy.Wolfowitz.Perle.Pentagon.Halliburton axis
Not at all sure it would be survivable without
regime change