Saturday, December 30, 2006

the bright and hollow skies

2006 last hours running out quickly.
Cloud banks open to throw white sun beams over old bone white Woolworth Building
Blinding sunsets Orange clouds lining the horizon
light purple clouds in evening blue skies with crescent moon
Out for food shopping every other day, drop mail and mail drop, Strand Books
Noyuri in Japan until the 18th, setting next sessions
Thanks to everyone here and in Japan and to Acute Records, Soul Jazz Records

2007 could be a year when DCC's new Album, new IY and Dystopians all get released
Also possibly Nowthenafter, roughly a downtown electronics circa 2000-'07 collection
as a 5/1 Surround Sound DVD through Harvestworks.
with EMF (Electronic Music Foundation) ,
Yellow Rose (of Texas) and The Good Old Summertime by Judy Nylon and by me and Paul Geluso with vocals by Liz Janes
digital releases of The Voodooists, DCC mach 2(1985-'86) and black rain (1989 -'99)

And more DeMeDo (Est. the label and prod Co. NYC/Tokyo)
and of course, the Diaries of a Nightclubber
Have a great one , cheers all

Now playing: Siousxie's version of The Passenger


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