Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer solstice

Recording with Judy went fine,
Nowthenafter listening party at Harvestworks went well, was well attended, friends came out, the rain held off that night !
The Surround Sound DVD will become available later in the year, and there is talk of taking it around to other cities this year.
outpost Mark and I went out to Hoboken Sat resulting in a first session of Luke Davis' text soundscapes and sound designs;
an opening 20 m piece sparked things off .
It was still light when we got out of the studio buzzing

Ike yard's remixes underway, should be able to hear a release date soon
DCC album demos going out
Begun working on new Dominatrix tracks, looking at remixers for the Dom Ep ...

The light faded on Summer solstice Sunday
Really rainy season , almost monsoon feeling in the last few weeks in particular ,
We have gotten used to the sound of rain growing into a downpour as a storm rolls overhead

Black and grey clouds fills the Eastern sky all day from dawn,
a plane flying towards La Guardia disappeared into a high wall of cloud


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