Wednesday, June 08, 2005


One week ago , Kraftwerk brought their show to town.
And while the NY Times did a review , it wasn't a very interesting review and from where I saw the show - not completely accurate.
Yes, the four men of KW had four laptop screens up on their 'desks' -
but i wouldn't be entirely sure that meant they were just playing laptops.
Possibly just a visual effect, like almost every other image or slight move on stage.
And as anyone who knows these geezers at all knows they like to bring their studio tech up onstage with them which gives them the live mix ability to tweak parts as they flow by.
Their total control (and near total immersion in) their computer world of beats and electro musik is what makes them stand so far apart from other groups .
This allows the little things like the baroque -ish tone tapestry that played before they went on to stand out - I knew this may be one of the only really new things I would hear all night and so i was savoring that and breathing it in as it 'played'.
And it was a cool piece , the smooth waves and washes of synthetic sound made with the bite of custom oscillator crunch to them ,
a Metropolitan Museum like feeling of quality of grand old- neu now so transfixing.
The lights went out and the outlines of the four rose up in shadow on the scrim .
Cue crowd reaction and applause ...


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