Monday, December 29, 2008

Three Gorges before the flood

Chancy, hard lives and deaths in a Chinese coal mine. Blind Shaft on CUNY TV

Manufactured Landscapes on Sundance. Still photography meets travel docu'.
Chinese manu, houses below Three Gorges Dam being pounded apart by hand, Ship breakers.
Spotted Saturo Ito in sdtk credits. Cheers Satoru ( supraguitarist/ bassist from Ultra Bide , worked with black rain, now Marianne and Mainspace )

and in the better - then - hoped catagory, In Bruges.
Farrell played right to type and then ditched it , cried broke down and gunned down.
Partial to Belgian scapes already, I could watch for the sightseeing, beers out on the Square locales -
then along the way a plot emerged anyway.

Sunday a blur of Transformers>Syriana>The Bourne Ultimatum>Rounders>No Country For Old Men>Fargo>The L Word>Manufactured Landscapes.
60F Sunday, nice again today
X mas dinner was a good laugh, great food crowded Chinese restaurant and finished at Arisa's place hours later

New Dominatrix track Silent command underway ! the cover art, meta info for Rec first release in process,
up on iTunes hopefully late Jan., but may slip in Feb. depending on Virtual Labels prep and promo time ...
New: Have also begun writing , programming the first of the topical songs - tracks that I've been wanting to do and am pretty excited about how it's sounding.
More sessions to come in Feb.

Just listening: Sakamoto's Derrida OST


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